The residents of Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park, Mingachevir Industrial Park, Garadagh Industrial Park and Pirallahi Industrial Park are exempted for 10 years from:
- Corporate income tax
- Property tax
- Land tax
- VAT for imported machinery, technological equipment and plant.
In addition, residents of industrial parks for a period of 10 years are exempted from customs duties on imported machinery, technological equipment and plant.
Corporate income tax
According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Article 106.1.13.), residents of industrial parks are exempted from corporate income tax derived from activities in industrial park within 10 years from the reporting year of registration.
Property tax
According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Article 199.7.), residents of industrial parks are exempted from tax on property for their property in industrial park within 10 years from the reporting year of registration.
Land tax
According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Article 207.3.), residents of industrial parks are exempted from tax on land for the land they use in industrial park within 10 years from the reporting year of registration.
VAT and customs duties on imported machinery, technology and equipment.
According to the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Article 164.1.16.), based on the corresponding supporting document, residents of industrial parks for a period of 10 years from the date of registration are exempted from VAT on imported equipment, technological equipment and devices intended for the construction of production sites, research and development, as well as production goals in the industrial park.
According to the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Customs Tariffs (Article 20.0.19.), based on the corresponding supporting document, residents of industrial parks for a period of 10 years from the date of registration are exempted from customs duties on imported equipment, technological equipment and devices intended for the construction of production sites, research and development, as well as production goals in the industrial park.