"Juvotech" LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlakh Pilot Agropark.
The company will establish an intensive almond, nectarine, and pomegranate orchard on an area of 22.01 hectares.
According to the order of the Minister of Economy No. F-117 dated August 25, 2020, work on the establishment of a pilot agricultural park in the territory of Yevlakh district within the framework of the project "Integration of medium-sized farms into agro-industrial clusters" has been started. The symbolic ground breaking ceremony of the agricultural park was held on December 4, 2021 with the participation of the Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov, and the first tree was planted in the agricultural park. Yevlakh Pilot Agricultural Park is the first agricultural park created in the country with the involvement of small and medium farmers. Many stimulating measures are taken by the state for the development of entrepreneurship in the Yevlax Pilot Agricultural Park, and these activities will be continued regularly. Thus, it is planned to build the external and internal infrastructure system of the agricultural park at the expense of the state funds, to issue an investment incentive document to the residents, and to apply “one-stop shop” system. The creation of a modern agro-industrial complex in the pilot agricultural park will be implemented through the establishment of cluster activities.
The total area of the agricultural park is 2807-hectares, of which 1185 hectares will be divided into parcels, 1028 hectares will be the animal feed area, and 141 hectares will be the social zone. The 1185 hectare area of the pilot agricultural park will be divided into 20-hectare parcels and will be given to farmers for long-term use. To date, lease agreements have been concluded with entrepreneurs on 2280 hectares of land.
In addition, it is planned to create a social zone in 8 hectares, a meat breeding complex with 3000 animals in 45 hectares, a poultry farm with an annual production capacity of 20 million breeding eggs in 11.8 hectares, and processing enterprises and production areas in other areas of the 141 hectares intended for processing and social zones of the agricultural park.
It is planned to implement a smart management system, organize agronomist and business consulting services in order to increase productivity and increase efficiency in the agricultural park. A support is envisaged when obtaining an international certification of production in order to diversify the sales market of manufactured products.
The purpose of establishment of the agricultural park:
"Juvotech" LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlakh Pilot Agropark.
The company will establish an intensive almond, nectarine, and pomegranate orchard on an area of 22.01 hectares.
MKT Production Commercial LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is implementing a plant production project (cotton, wheat, etc.) on an area of 269.54 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Vidadi Süleymanov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 18.69 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Mammadov Asif Akif oglu was granted the resident status of Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The new resident will plant intensive orchards on 21.4 hectares of the agropark.
"Aran Zeytun" LLC is registered as a resident of Yevlakh Pilot Agropark.
Intensive orchards will be planted by the resident on the 28.5 hectares of the Agropark.
Dastan Agro LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is implementing a plant production project (barley, wheat, sugar beet) on an area of 1028.63 hectares.
Azerbaijan Company For Poultry Development LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing a breeding poultry farm on an area of 11.79 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Vüqar Novruzov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 20.12 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Bəxtiyar Əsgərov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing intensive pomegranate, cherry, and nectarine orchards on an area of 18.17 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Əli Əhmədov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 21.65 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Mirsahib Səmədov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive olive orchard on an area of 16.17 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Fəriyaz Rüstəmova has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 18.73 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Əhməd Muradov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 19.17 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Firdovsi Əhmədov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur has established intensive pomegranate and apricot orchards on an area of 19.82 hectares and a vegetable farming enterprise on an area of 20.01 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Mehti Ağagülov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing intensive apricot, peach, and nectarine orchards on an area of 19.23 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Mehman Rəhimov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 17.99 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Müşfik Hümmətli has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing intensive apricot, peach, plum, cherry, and nectarine orchards on an area of 37.34 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Anar Qocayev has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 19.82 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Məhərrəm Əsgərov has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur has established intensive apricot, peach, cherry, and nectarine orchards on an area of 20.07 hectares.
Individual entrepreneur Tural Əfəndiyev has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The entrepreneur is establishing an intensive olive orchard on an area of 40.02 hectares.
Tas Agro LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive apricot, peach, and nectarine orchards on an area of 111.31 hectares.
Yard Agro LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive nectarine and peach orchards on an area of 37.6 hectares.
Nyuvadi LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 20.45 hectares.
O Bağ LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive pomegranate and almond orchards on an area of 19.23 hectares.
Trade Global Company LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 37.65 hectares.
Xar Agro LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive pomegranate, nectarine, and peach orchards on an area of 23.38 hectares.
Badamlıq LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company has established an intensive almond orchard on an area of 59.04 hectares.
Elkür LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 21.51 hectares.
Qulançar LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company has established an intensive pomegranate orchard on an area of 20.06 hectares.
Agrotop LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive apricot, peach, and nectarine orchards on an area of 60.26 hectares.
Azting LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing an intensive mulberry nursery on an area of 19.98 hectares.
Balxurma LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing an intensive date palm orchard on an area of 42.05 hectares.
Kronos Agro LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive nectarine and peach orchards on an area of 40.04 hectares.
ISFA LLC has been granted resident status in the Yevlax Pilot Agropark.
The company is establishing intensive apricot, peach, nectarine, plum, and cherry orchards on an area of 52.4 hectares, and a nursery farm on 6 hectares.